2. Workflow Quick Start

The following quick start guide is applicable to versions of the MR Weather App that are on preconfigured machines as listed here. For other machines, please refer to Chapter 5 before using the quick start guide.

The workflow for building and running the App is built on the CIME (Common Infrastructure for Modeling Earth) framework. Please refer to the CIME Porting Documentation if CIME has not yet been ported to the target machine.

If you are new to CIME, please consider reading the CIME Case Control System Part 1: Basic Usage after downloading the code. The CIME Users Guide will be easier to follow after the directory structure has been created by the git clone command.

This is the procedure for quickly setting up and running a case of MR Weather App.

  • Download the MR Weather App

  • Create a case: use create_newcase

  • Setup a case: use case.setup

  • Build a case: use case.build

  • Run a case: use case.submit

2.1. Downloading the MR Weather App code and scripts

Access to the code requires git. You will need access to the command line clients, git (v1.8 or greater). You can download the latest version of the release code:

git clone https://github.com/ufs-community/ufs-mrweather-app.git -b ufs-v1.1.0 my_ufs_sandbox
cd my_ufs_sandbox


When cloning the ufs-mrweather-app repository, the connection to github may time out. In this case, resubmit the git clone command.

The information of being a “detached HEAD” is a standard git notification about a release tag. If you plan to add development to the codes, you will need a development branch.

To checkout MR Weather Model components, including CIME, run the checkout_externals script from /path/to/my_ufs_sandbox.


The checkout_externals script will read the configuration file Externals.cfg and will download the model source and CIME into /path/to/my_ufs_sandbox.

To see more details regarding the checkout_externals script from the command line, type:

./manage_externals/checkout_externals --help

To confirm a successful download of all components, you can run checkout_externals with the status flag to show the status of the externals:

./manage_externals/checkout_externals -S

This should show a clean status for all externals, with no characters in the first two columns of output, as in this example:

Checking status of externals: model, stochastic_physics, fv3, ccpp/framework, atmos_cubed_sphere, ccpp/physics, fms, nems, tests/produtil/nceplibs-pyprodutil, fv3gfs_interface, nems_interface, cime,

You should now have a complete copy of the source code in your /path/to/my_ufs_sandbox.

If there were problems obtaining an external, you might instead see something like:

e-  ./src/model/FV3

This might happen if there was an unexpected interruption while downloading. First try rerunning ./manage_externals/checkout_externals. If there is still a problem, try running with logging turned on using:

./manage_externals/checkout_externals --logging

Check the manage_externals.log file to see what errors are reported.

2.2. Model Configurations

The MR Weather App can be configured at four out-of-the-box resolutions with two different compsets, GFSv15p2 or GFSv16beta. These compsets invoke physics suites that use or not an ocean-evolving parameterization depending on the initial data provided. See the Introduction for more information on the physics suites provided with the release and see the frequently-asked questions (FAQ) section for more information on compsets, physics suites, and initial datasets.

  • Details of available component sets and resolutions are available from the query_config tool located in the cime/scripts directory

cd $SRCROOT/cime/scripts
./query_config --help

where $SRCROOT is the top directory of the ufs-mrweather-app.

2.2.1. Supported component sets

The components of the modeling system can be combined in numerous ways to carry out various scientific or software experiments. A particular mix of components, along with component-specific configuration and/or namelist settings is referred to as component set or “compset”. The MR Weather App has a shorthand naming convention for component sets that are supported out-of-the-box.

To determine what MR Weather App compsets are available in the release, use the following command:

cd $SRCROOT/cime/scripts
./query_config --compsets

This should show a list of available compsets:

Active component: ufsatm
       Compset Alias: Compset Long Name
   GFSv15p2             : FCST_ufsatm%v15p2_SLND_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV
   GFSv16beta           : FCST_ufsatm%v16beta_SLND_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV

2.2.2. Supported grids

CIME has the flexibility to support numerous model resolutions. To see the grids that are currently supported, use the following command

cd $SRCROOT/cime/scripts
./query_config --grids

This should show the a list of available grids for this release.

GRID naming convention
The notation for the grid longname is
    a% => atm, l% => lnd, oi% => ocn/ice, r% => river, m% => mask, g% => glc, w% => wav

Supported grid configurations are given via alias specification in
the file "config_grids.xml". Each grid alias can also be associated  with the
following optional attributes

        default component grids:

 component         compset       value
 atm      SATM              null
 lnd      SLND              null
 ocnice   SOCN              null
 rof      SROF              null
 glc      SGLC              null
 wav      SWAV              null
 iac      SIAC              null

 alias: C96
   non-default grids are: atm:C96

 alias: C192
   non-default grids are: atm:C192

 alias: C384
   non-default grids are: atm:C384

 alias: C768
   non-default grids are: atm:C768

As can be seen, MR Weather App currently supports four grids with the following nominal resolutions

  • C96 (~100km)

  • C192 (~50km),

  • C384 (~25km)

  • C768 (~13km),

and all with 64 vertical levels.

2.3. Setup the environment

Four environment variables need to be set prior to running the CIME workflow:

export UFS_INPUT=/path/to/inputs
export UFS_SCRATCH=/path/to/outputs
export UFS_DRIVER=nems
export CIME_MODEL=ufs

UFS_INPUT should be set to the location of a folder where input data will be accessed. There should be a folder named ufs_inputdata underneath this folder. The folder $UFS_INPUT/ufs_inputdata should exist before running the CIME workflow. This is often a shared location on a platform so that all users on that platform can access data from the same location.

UFS_SCRATCH should be set to the location of a writeable folder where output will be written for each case. This is typically a user scratch space or temporary location with a large allocation available.

The following settings are recommended on the pre-configured platforms:

Table 2.1 Path settings for pre-configured platforms.




NCAR Cheyenne












On platforms that are not pre-configured a script needs to be executed to define a set of environment variables related to the location of NCEPLIBS dependencies.

# SH or BASH shells
source $NCEPLIBS_DIR/bin/setenv_nceplibs.sh

# CSH or TCSH shells
source $NCEPLIBS_DIR/bin/setenv_nceplibs.csh

The recommended best practice to set the $UFS_SCRATCH and $UFS_INPUT environment variables and source the NCEPLIBS provided shell script setenv_nceplibs.sh|.csh is to add the above commands to a startup script such as $HOME/.bashrc (Bash shell) or $HOME/.tcshrc (Tcsh shell). These files are executed automatically when you start a new shell so that you do not need to re-define them during each login.


On some platforms (in particular Stampede2) this practice is required to ensure the environment variables are properly set on compute nodes accessed by the workflow.

2.4. Create a case

The create_newcase command creates a case directory containing the scripts and XML files to configure a case (see below) for the requested resolution, component set, and machine. create_newcase has three required arguments: --case, --compset and --res. The workflow argument is optional, to select alternate workflow components (see below). The project argument is optional, to set the batch system project account (see below). (invoke create_newcase --help for help).

On machines where a project or account code is needed, you must either specify the --project $PROJECT argument in the create_newcase command, or set the $PROJECT variable in your shell environment. If this argument is not set, the default value in config_machines.xml for $PROJECT will be used. An error will be reported if the default project account is not accessable.

If running on a preconfigured or configurable machine, that machine will normally be recognized automatically and therefore it is not required to specify the --machine argument to create_newcase. Generic linux and macos systems will require the --machine linux / --machine macos argument to be used (see Section 5.2).

Invoke create_newcase as follows from the cime/scripts directory:

cd cime/scripts
./create_newcase --case CASENAME --compset COMPSET --res GRID --workflow WORKFLOW


  • CASENAME defines the name of your case (stored in the $CASE XML variable). This is a very important piece of metadata that will be used in filenames, internal metadata and directory paths. create_newcase will create the case directory with the same name as the CASENAME. If CASENAME is simply a name (not a path), the case directory is created in the cime/scripts directory where you executed create_newcase. If CASENAME is a relative or absolute path, the case directory is created there and the name of the case will be the tail path. The full path to the case directory will be stored in the $CASEROOT XML variable.

  • COMPSET is the component set and can be GFSv15p2 or GFSv16beta, which trigger supported Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) suites. If you would like to learn more about CCPP please consider reading the CCPP Overview.

  • GRID is the model resolution, which can be C96, C192, C384 and C768.

  • WORKFLOW is the workflow and can be set as ufs-mrweather or ufs-mrweather_wo_post. The ufs-mrweather includes both pre- and post-processing steps, while ufs-mrweather_wo_post includes only pre-processing step. In the current version of the MR Weather App, the pre-processing step need to be run to generate initial conditions for the UFS Weather Model.

  • PROJECT is the project or account code needed to run batch jobs. You may either specify the --project $PROJECT argument in the create_newcase command, or set the $PROJECT variable in your shell environment.

Here is an example on NCAR machine Cheyenne with the $USER shell environment variable set to your Cheyenne login name:

cd cime/scripts
./create_newcase --case $UFS_SCRATCH/ufs-mrweather-app-workflow.c96 --compset GFSv15p2 --res C96 --workflow ufs-mrweather

2.5. Setting up the case run script

Issuing the case.setup command creates scripts needed to run the model along with namelist user_nl_xxx files, where xxx denotes the set of components for the given case configuration such as ufsatm and cpl. Selected namelist entries can be customized by editing user_nl_xxx, see FAQ.

cd to the case directory or case root ($CASEROOT) $UFS_SCRATCH/ufs-mrweather-app-workflow.c96 as shown above:

cd /glade/scratch/$USER/cases/ufs-mrweather-app-workflow.c96

Before invoking case.setup, you could modify the env_mach_pes.xml file in the case directory using the xmlchange command as needed for the experiment (optional). (Note: To edit any of the env xml files, use the xmlchange command. xmlchange --help can be used for help.)

Please also be aware that you need to provide consistent layout, write_tasks_per_group and write_groups namelist options to the model when total number of PEs are changed.

Invoke the case.setup command.



The CIME commands ./xmlquery, ./case.setup, ./case.build, ./case.submit examine and modify the CIME case, and so, are linked into the directory specified by --case when the ./create_newcase is run. They should be run from this case directory.

2.6. Build the executable using the case.build command

Modify build settings in env_build.xml (optional).

Run the build script.


Users of the NCAR cheyenne system should consider using qcmd to compile UFS Weather Model on a compute node as follows:

qcmd -- ./case.build

The UFS Weather Model executable (named as ufs.exe) will appear in the directory given by the XML variable $EXEROOT, which can be queried using:

./xmlquery EXEROOT

2.7. Run the case

Modify runtime settings in env_run.xml (optional). Two settings you may want to change now are:

  1. Run length: By default, the model is set to run for 5 days based on the $STOP_N and $STOP_OPTION variables:

    ./xmlquery STOP_OPTION,STOP_N

    These default settings can be useful in troubleshooting runtime problems before submitting for a longer time or a production runs. For example, following setting can be used to set the simulation lenght to 36-hours. Please, also be aware that nyears, nmonths and nsteps options for STOP_OPTION are not supported in the MR Weather App.

    ./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nhours,STOP_N=36
  2. You can set the $DOUT_S variable to FALSE to turn off short term archiving:

    ./xmlchange DOUT_S=FALSE
  3. The default job wall clock time, which is set to 12-hours, can be changed for relatively short and low-resolution simulations. For example, following commands sets the job wall clock time to 30-minutes.

    ./xmlchange JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME=00:30:00
  4. The default start date (2019-08-29, 00 UTC) can be also changed by following commands

    ./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=YYYY-MM-DD
    ./xmlchange START_TOD=AS_SECOND


    • RUN_STARTDATE is the start date and need to be given in YYYY-MM-DD format such as 2020-01-15

    • START_TOD is the time of day in seconds such as 12 UTC need to be given as 43200 seconds.

Submit the job to the batch queue using the case.submit command.


Based on the selected workflow (ufs-mrweather or ufs-mrweather_wo_post), the case.submit command submits a chain of jobs that their dependency is automatically set. For example, ufs-mrweather workflow submits a job array with three seperate jobs that will run in an order: pre-processing, simulation and post-processing. The first ten characters of the job names will be chgres.ufs, run.ufs-mr, and gfs_post.u, respectively.

When the jobs are complete, most output will NOT be written under the case directory, but instead under some other directories (defined by $UFS_SCRATCH). Review the following directories and files, whose locations can be found with xmlquery (note: xmlquery can be run with a list of comma separated names and no spaces):


    This directory is set in the env_run.xml file. This is the location where MR Weather App was run. Log files for each stage of the workflow can be found here.

Table 2.2 Log files


File Name

Look for…











    $DOUT_S_ROOT refers to the short term archive path location on local disk. This path is used by the case.st_archive script when $DOUT_S = TRUE.

    $DOUT_S_ROOT/$CASE is the short term archive directory for this case. If $DOUT_S is FALSE, then no archive directory should exist. If $DOUT_S is TRUE, then log, history, and restart files should have been copied into a directory tree here.

  • $DOUT_S_ROOT/$CASE/logs

    The log files should have been copied into this directory if the run completed successfully and the short-term archiver is turned on with $DOUT_S = TRUE. Otherwise, the log files are in the $RUNDIR.


    There could be standard out and/or standard error files output from the batch system.

  • $CASEROOT/CaseDocs

    The case namelist files are copied into this directory from the $RUNDIR.